Friday, May 6, 2011

number six.

1.  When did Mexico gain independence from Spain?  Answer : 1821.
2.  Who did Napoleon III want to install as ruler of Mexico? Answer : Archduke , Maximillian of austira, his relative.
3.  Where did France invade Mexico?  Answer : At the gulf coast of Mesxico alog the state Veracruz.
4.  Who was the President of the US during this time? Answer : Abraham Lincoln
5.  Who was the leader of the Mexican militia? Answer : Mexican Genereal Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin.
6.  What eventually happened to Maximillian? Answer: He was exectued by the Mexicans
7.  Where and how is Cinco de Mayo celebrated today?  aNswer: Regional , in Puebla ; prades food , festivities, dances, Drinks, Mexcan Culture, customs, and music.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tia's Fifth Blog

In City of God shantytown, elderly regain lust for life

This is a story about how old people have a type of place they can basically go to hang out or live. It is like a nursing home, but it had way better conditions. People who go to nursing homes normally stay alive for two years, but the people that go to this place stayed for probably more than 20 years. The people from this town, had bad health, and didn't live very long, but when the founder, found the place they had it in their mind set to change it. The people can live their or just go there to hang out, and then go back to their family. The elderly said they feel like young kids again. They have people come in to do checkups, and they have activities and hot meals. The conditions are way better than a nursing home. That is why they live longer than nursing home patients. The old really enjoy it. One man there, said that he loves it, he likes to sing, and now he has a new interest to sing to ;)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tia's Fourth Blog

The  song is really sweet. It is about a guy asking God of favors. He is basically praying to God. Translated to English the song means I ask from God. HE asked that his father remembers him and that his mother lives and that he lives another day. He basically is just praying to God in his song. It had a upbeat, it was not all sad, depressing and slow. I really liked this song. It was sweet, upbeat and just a nice song overall.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tia's third blog

If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Miami. The reason i would go is because it has a lot of beaches, and it is also in a way a *city life style* so I would like both of those combined together. It seems like it would be a lot of fun. I would go with my friends and family. Things i could do is go to the zoo, the aquarium, the Seaquarium, Everglades, Museums, Islands, and Jungles. There is a lot to do in Miami so i would think that would be a nice place to go and hang out with friends and family.         all pictures came from Google images :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tia's Second Blog Entry
This was about how a group called the "shining path" (if i'm not mistaken) killed alot of people, a long time ago. Some families have had their relative identified. Some families though, havent. This family in the stroy, had their mother and sister identifeid. They were happy and it brought them closure. They are sad for the other families that are still wondering though. I honestly liked it and I thought it was nice how their family was identified. It was sad that they waited such a long time but at least, they were actually indentified. I feel bad because of the people that haven't been identified yet, and I hope they soon, will identify them.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tia's First BLog Entry

This semester i hope to learn how to say words correctly in Spanish and learn more words and phrases. I also want to learn how to spell them and where to put the accent things, i hope to be able to hold a conversation in Spanish. I like to blog sometimes, yes i have blogged before. It can be helpful b.c it just can, no ma'am , nothing i can really think of that i want you to know (: